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World Stories



Stories from around the world

These are some of our suggestions for useful and exciting source material for stories and myths from around the world

This selection of titles is purely personal. These are books which we have found useful in some way or have been recommended to us or we just love. We hope you will enjoy and benefit from them too.

The World | Africa | North America | South America | Europe | Middle East | Asia | Australia

The World

coverThe Children's Illustrated Book of Myths
by Neil Philip, Nilesh Mistry (Illustrator)

This engaging and well-illustrated book aimed at 9-13 year olds, contains an excellent overview of world mythology. Everything from Greeks and Romans, through the stories of Native Americans and legends from Africa, Scandinavia, Asia and Australia. Great "who's who" section of all the major characters.
Order The Children's Illustrated Book of Myths now! 

coverMyths and Legends
by Anthony Horowitz (Editor), Francis Mosley (Illustrator)
A great volume from the Kingfisher Story Library relating 30 of the most important stories from all round the world. Included are familiar tales, such as St George and the Dragon from Britain and Theseus and the Minotaur from Greece, as well as less well-known stories from India, China, Japan, Africa, South America and elsewhere.
Order Myths and Legends now!


Why the Sun and Moon Live in Sky
by Elphinstone Dayrell, Blair Lent (Illustrator)
An African folktale tells how the sun and water once lived on earth as friends, but because the sun failed to build his house large enough, he and his wife, the moon, were driven into the sky when the water came to visit them.
Order Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky now!

Mansa Musa: The Lion of Mali
by Khephra Burns, et al
Order Mansa Musa: The Lion of Mali now!

North America

The Telling of the World: Native American Legends and Stories
by William S. Penn (Editor)
Oder The Telling of the World now!

Love Flute
by Paul Goble
A gift to a shy young man from the birds and animals helps him to express his love to a beautiful girl.
Order Love Flute now!

South America

Land of the Five Suns: Looking at Aztec Myths and Legends
by Kay McManus
Retells a traditional Aztec tale in which a boy keeps his younger brother entertained and out of trouble by relating favorite legends of their people
Order Land of the Five Suns now!

The Monkey's Haircut, and Other Stories Told by the Maya
by John Bierhorst (Editor), Robert Andrew Parker (Illustrator)
Order The Monkey's Haircut, and Other Stories... now!


coverGreek Myths for Young Children
by Heather Amery, Linda Edwards (Illustrator)
Aimed at children of four years and older, this Usborne volume really brings to life the gods, mortals and monsters of Greek myth. Wonderfully illustrated and excellent for reading aloud, the tales in this volume will resonate in the memory for a lifetime.
Order Greek Myths for Young Children now!


Russian Folk-tales
by James Riordan
In the Russian winter, in the depths of the forest, a whole village gathers together by a blazing fire. Then the storyteller arrives and the villagers listen with bated breath. James Riordan has collected and translated some of these stories and retells them for children.
Order Russian Folk Tales now!

cover Parzival and the Stone from Heaven: A Grail Romance Retold for Our Time
by Lindsay Clarke
Lindsay Clarke's Parzival and the Stone from Heaven is a hypnotic retelling of the medieval romance of the quest for the Holy Grail. However, Clarke's book is not a novel in the conventional sense, but a free adaptation of Wolfram von Eschenbach's 13th-century story Parzival
Order Parzival and the Stone from Heaven now!

Middle East

Myths and Legends of Ancient Israel
by Angelo S. Rappoport
Buy Myths and Legends of Ancient Israel now!

The Winged Cat
by Deborah Nourse Lattimore
Buy The Winged Cat now!


Chinese Mythology
by Anthony Christie
Buy Chinese Mythology now!

cover Rama and the Demon King: An Ancient Tale from India
by Jessica Souhami
The 3000-year-old tale of Rama, who rescues his wife, Sita, from the Demon King, is said to confer a blessing on all who hear it. Jessica Souhami's retelling with bold illustrations adapted from her own shadow puppets conveys the exuberance of a tale which is still very much alive.
Buy Rama and the Demon King now!

Coming Home: A Story About Divali
by Jamila Gavin
Weaves a modern story about Preeta who gets lost while out shopping for new clothes for Divali, with the traditional Prince Rama and Princess Sita myth, in which Sita is kidnapped by demons. The monkey God, Hanuman, comes to Rama's aid, but will they ever find Sita again? And will Preeta be found in time for the party? Introductory text explains the significance of the festival.
Buy Coming Home: A Story About Divali now!


coverWhat Made Tiddalik Laugh (Puffin Folk Tales of the World)
by Joanna Troughton (Illustrator)
An Aboriginal tale based upon natural history facts. The giant frog, Tiddalik, drank all the water in the world and the only way to stop the ensuing drought was to make him laugh and spill the water. However, all the animals cannot raise a giggle until Platypus comes out of her hole.
Buy What Made Tiddalik Laugh now!

coverGadi Mirrabooka: Australian Aboriginal Tales from the Dreaming
by Helen F. McKay (Editor)
A collection of 33 authentic Aboriginal tales that offers a fascinating view of traditional Australian Aboriginal culture and lore, retold by Aboriginal storytellers. As other titles in the World Folklore Series, this volume offers a historical overview and background information about the culture. The volume includes creation stories, pourquoi tales, animal stories, scary stories, and good vs. evil stories.
Buy Gadi Mirrabooka now!

The World | Africa | North America | South America | Europe | Middle East | Asia | Australia

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